Kateřina Turková

Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University
Email: katerina.turkova@fsv.cuni.cz
Ing. and Mgr. Kateřina Turková studies in the Media Studies doctoral program at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, where she also participates in the Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS). She is also a faculty coordinator of open access. Her research interests include sport, communication, and social media. She has worked as a research executive in Nielsen Admosphere (research agency).
At the Faculty of Social Sciences, she participates in projects: PROGRES 19 (Social-scientific aspects of human movement research II), Specific University Research 2014–2021. She is a member of the Academic Senate of FSV UK. She is also the main researcher of the GA UK project no. 338119: Sports Communication on Social Media: Analyzing the Facebook Content of Czech Professional Athletes and the Audience Reactions.