Maria Vašutová

Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University
Doc. PhDr. Mgr. Maria Vašutová, Ph.D. was born in Ludgeřovice in the Opava district. After graduation from the High school of Pedagogy in Krnov, with specialization in Teaching for infants in Kindergarten she was awarded her diploma at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Ostava – field of Teaching for Primary Schools (Masters degree / Mgr). In 1985, she graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the Masaryk University of Brno – field of Psychology (doctoral degree/ PhDr.). She gained her doctorate at the Palacký University in Olomouc in 2001 (doctoral degree / Ph.D.). In 2007, she was awarded a degree in senior lecturing in the field of social work at the Catholic University of Ružomberok, with her thesis in the correction of children with specific developmental learning and behavioral disorders.
She used to work as a primary school teacher and psychologist at the Regional pedagogical-psychological advice bureau in Ostrava, and for 17 years since 1990 as a University teacher at the Faculty of Philosophy at University of Ostrava, where she also worked as Vice Dean in study matters. Nowadays, she works as a senior lecturer at the Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences at Silesian University in Opava.
Her publications include papers related to the fields of developmental (biodromal) psychology, psychology for assistance professions, consultancy in the field of social work and the field of social-pathological behaviour (for example problems of high-risk behaviour, traditional and cyberbullying), and meaning of life as a subjective intellectual human experience.